Spotify Mac Screensaver

Janky | Musaic FM | Scott Lindsey | screensaver | Spotify | Spotify Screensaver | unspotify

If you are like me, you listen to music while you work. I have a separate MacMini devoted to music that is hooked up to a pretty boss hi-fi stereo. I also love album cover design and wanted a Spotify Screensaver to accompany my listening enjoyment. Seems simple enough. BUT. Spotify for some reason deems it uncool and basically said they have no interest in creating said screensaver. Seems very “unSpotify” of such a cool brand.

After serious consideration, we’ve decided not to introduce a visualizer for the desktop app. As a result, we’ve marked this idea as Case Closed.

While we know this is a popular request, we don’t feel the majority of listeners would benefit from the addition of a visualizer at this time.

Enter open-source…

With a little searching, you can find a nifty little screensaver app on GitHub. Download and install the MusaicFM app. After installation, you will be prompted to log into Spotify.

Works great. Enjoy.

Sketch Symbol Scaling

Sketch Symbol Scaling

Yeah, Sketch does that weird scale thing where TEXT does not scale with the symbol. In this video, you will learn how to remedy this... Command K to the rescue. Command + K and enter size.